
Kanto Plain College Fair 2024 (海外大学フェア)

インターナショナル,広報,進路指導】 2024/9/12 木曜日 — 14:47:20

9月6日(金)、広尾学園を会場として「Kanto Plain College Fair 2024 (海外大学フェア)」を実施しました。海外大学123校、日本国内大学20校が参加し、海外大学進学に興味のある広尾学園・広尾学園小石川生徒、国内のインターナショナルスクールの生徒など、2000名ほどの生徒が集まりました。



1 Babson College 81 Washington University, St. Louis
2 Bennington College 82 Webster University
3 Bentley University 83 Wentworth Institute of Technology
4 Berklee College of Music 84 Williams College
5 Boston University 85 Worcester Polytechnic Institute
6 Brandeis University
7 Bryn Mawr University Australia / New Zealand
8 Butler University 86 BMIHMS- Torrens University
9 Calvin University 87 Griffith University
10 Carleton College 88 IPU New Zealand
11 Chapman University 89 Monash University
12 Clark University
13 College of Charleston Canada
14 The College of Wooster 90 Brock University
15 Columbia College – Chicago 91 McGill University
16 Dickinson College 92 McMaster University
17 Emerson College 93 The University of British Columbia
18 Ferris State University 94 University of Toronto
19 Fordham University 95 University of Victoria
20 Full Sail University 96 University of Waterloo
21 The George Washington University 97 Western University
22 Hawaii Pacific University 98 York University
23 Illinois Institute of Technology
24 Indiana University – Bloomington Europe
25 Indiana University – Indianapolis 99 The American University of Paris
26 Kalamazoo College 100 Bocconi University
27 Kenyon College 101 Constructor University
28 Lake Forest College 102 EHL Hospitality Business School
29 Lake Washington Institute of Technology 103 ESCP Business School
30 Lakeland University – Japan 104 ESSCA School of Management
31 Lawrence University 105 ESSEC Business School
32 Loyola Marymount University 106 EU Business School
33 Loyola University Chicago 107 Franklin University – Switzerland
34 Macalester College 108 The Glasgow School of Art
35 Marist College 109 Hungarian Medical Universities
36 Michigan State University 110 IE University
37 Minerva University 111 Imperial College – London
38 Mount Holyoke College 112 Les Roches & Glion
39 Muhlenberg College 113 Loughborough University
40 Murray State University 114 MODUL University Vienna
41 New York Film Academy 115 Trinity College – Dublin
42 New York University 116 Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
43 Ohio Wesleyan University
44 Oklahoma State University Japan
45 Otis College of Art and Design 117 Hosei University
46 Pomona College 118 International Christian University
47 Purdue University 119 International College of Liberal Arts
48 Rhodes College 120 International University of Health and Welfare
49 Rice University 121 Keio University
50 Roger Williams University 122 Kyoto University of Advanced Science
51 Salve Regina University 123 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
52 Savannah College of Art and Design 124 Kyushu University
53 Southern Utah University 125 Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
54 St. George’s University School of Medicine – Grenada,
West Indies
126 Nagoya University – G30 International Programs
55 St. Olaf College 127 Okayama University
56 Swarthmore College 128 Rikkyo University
57 Syracuse University 129 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
58 Trinity University 130 Ritsumeikan University
59 Union College 131 Sophia University
60 University at Albany State University of New York 132 Temple University – Japan
61 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 133 Tokyo College of Music
62 The University of Arizona 134 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
63 University of California, Davis 135 University of Tsukuba
64 The University of Chicago 136 Waseda University
65 University of Colorado, Boulder
66 University of Illinois, Ubana Champaign Asia (non-Japan)
67 University of the Incarnate Word 137 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
68 University of Nebraska, Omaha 138 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
69 University of Oregon 139 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
70 University of the Pacific 140 LASALLE College of the Arts – Singapore
71 University of Pittsburgh 141 NYU Abu Dhabi
72 University of Rochester 142 Singapore Management University
73 University of San Diego 143 The University of Hong Kong
74 University of San Francisco
75 University of Southern California
76 The University of Tampa
77 The University of Vermont
78 University of Washington
79 Virginia Tech
80 Washington College, Maryland