【けやき祭,学園行事,広報】 2024/10/6 日曜日 — 17:45:41
【けやき祭,学園行事,広報】 2024/10/6 日曜日 — 17:45:41
【けやき祭,学園行事,広報】 2024/10/5 土曜日 — 18:11:42
【けやき祭,学園行事,広報】 2024/9/27 金曜日 — 16:42:50
【キャリア・中高大連携,広報】 2024/9/26 木曜日 — 10:30:57
【インターナショナル,広報,進路指導】 2024/9/12 木曜日 — 14:47:20
9月6日(金)、広尾学園を会場として「Kanto Plain College Fair 2024 (海外大学フェア)」を実施しました。海外大学123校、日本国内大学20校が参加し、海外大学進学に興味のある広尾学園・広尾学園小石川生徒、国内のインターナショナルスクールの生徒など、2000名ほどの生徒が集まりました。
USA | |
1 Babson College | 81 Washington University, St. Louis |
2 Bennington College | 82 Webster University |
3 Bentley University | 83 Wentworth Institute of Technology |
4 Berklee College of Music | 84 Williams College |
5 Boston University | 85 Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
6 Brandeis University | |
7 Bryn Mawr University | Australia / New Zealand |
8 Butler University | 86 BMIHMS- Torrens University |
9 Calvin University | 87 Griffith University |
10 Carleton College | 88 IPU New Zealand |
11 Chapman University | 89 Monash University |
12 Clark University | |
13 College of Charleston | Canada |
14 The College of Wooster | 90 Brock University |
15 Columbia College – Chicago | 91 McGill University |
16 Dickinson College | 92 McMaster University |
17 Emerson College | 93 The University of British Columbia |
18 Ferris State University | 94 University of Toronto |
19 Fordham University | 95 University of Victoria |
20 Full Sail University | 96 University of Waterloo |
21 The George Washington University | 97 Western University |
22 Hawaii Pacific University | 98 York University |
23 Illinois Institute of Technology | |
24 Indiana University – Bloomington | Europe |
25 Indiana University – Indianapolis | 99 The American University of Paris |
26 Kalamazoo College | 100 Bocconi University |
27 Kenyon College | 101 Constructor University |
28 Lake Forest College | 102 EHL Hospitality Business School |
29 Lake Washington Institute of Technology | 103 ESCP Business School |
30 Lakeland University – Japan | 104 ESSCA School of Management |
31 Lawrence University | 105 ESSEC Business School |
32 Loyola Marymount University | 106 EU Business School |
33 Loyola University Chicago | 107 Franklin University – Switzerland |
34 Macalester College | 108 The Glasgow School of Art |
35 Marist College | 109 Hungarian Medical Universities |
36 Michigan State University | 110 IE University |
37 Minerva University | 111 Imperial College – London |
38 Mount Holyoke College | 112 Les Roches & Glion |
39 Muhlenberg College | 113 Loughborough University |
40 Murray State University | 114 MODUL University Vienna |
41 New York Film Academy | 115 Trinity College – Dublin |
42 New York University | 116 Vita-Salute San Raffaele University |
43 Ohio Wesleyan University | |
44 Oklahoma State University | Japan |
45 Otis College of Art and Design | 117 Hosei University |
46 Pomona College | 118 International Christian University |
47 Purdue University | 119 International College of Liberal Arts |
48 Rhodes College | 120 International University of Health and Welfare |
49 Rice University | 121 Keio University |
50 Roger Williams University | 122 Kyoto University of Advanced Science |
51 Salve Regina University | 123 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies |
52 Savannah College of Art and Design | 124 Kyushu University |
53 Southern Utah University | 125 Nagoya University of Commerce and Business |
54 St. George’s University School of Medicine – Grenada, West Indies |
126 Nagoya University – G30 International Programs |
55 St. Olaf College | 127 Okayama University |
56 Swarthmore College | 128 Rikkyo University |
57 Syracuse University | 129 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University |
58 Trinity University | 130 Ritsumeikan University |
59 Union College | 131 Sophia University |
60 University at Albany State University of New York | 132 Temple University – Japan |
61 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York | 133 Tokyo College of Music |
62 The University of Arizona | 134 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
63 University of California, Davis | 135 University of Tsukuba |
64 The University of Chicago | 136 Waseda University |
65 University of Colorado, Boulder | |
66 University of Illinois, Ubana Champaign | Asia (non-Japan) |
67 University of the Incarnate Word | 137 The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
68 University of Nebraska, Omaha | 138 Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
69 University of Oregon | 139 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
70 University of the Pacific | 140 LASALLE College of the Arts – Singapore |
71 University of Pittsburgh | 141 NYU Abu Dhabi |
72 University of Rochester | 142 Singapore Management University |
73 University of San Diego | 143 The University of Hong Kong |
74 University of San Francisco | |
75 University of Southern California | |
76 The University of Tampa | |
77 The University of Vermont | |
78 University of Washington | |
79 Virginia Tech | |
80 Washington College, Maryland | |